The Christian Religion is so twisted and not in the least bit a true following of the teachings of Jesus Christ.
I challenge these so called followers and preachers to show me and the rest of the world, where Christ talked against things that today's leaders claim are the anti-basis of the Christian Faith.
DO NOT make quotes from the Old Testament that decries some actions as being against God and Nature. Christians are supposed to be adhering to the direct teachings of Jesus Christ. Quotes from Old Testament Passages are not the things that had anything to do with Christ and his ministries.
Christ's main teachings were in regards to Tolerance, Acceptance and Love - No One was excluded because of who or what they were.
Personally, I find the old testament to be nothing more than a "historical" account of a race of peoples. The only fundamental passage that would apply to modern Christians would be not just our Lord and Saviors lesson's but also the Ten Commandments. The rest of the old testament is useless and baseless to a True Christian.
Kudos to the nation of Ireland for speaking up and stating that Gay people have a proper place in the World contrary to the misleading opinions of the Corrupt and Twisted leaders of a Faith that is truly lost in a modern world.
(this entry is and will be subject to editing)
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