Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Hip Hip Hooray for the Baltimore mom who took action as a Parent towards her riot participating Son

Baltimore mom sends son home after catching him protesting

One Baltimore mother was angry when she discovered her son was joining the protests in Baltimore on Monday, KOIN-TV reports. Toya Graham was caught on camera yelling at and smacking her son to get him to leave the riot and go home. Rioters plunged part of Baltimore into chaos Monday, after thousands mourned Freddie Gray who died from a severe spinal injury he suffered in police custody.


Thursday, April 16, 2015


During the Civil Wars Years, we were a nation divided over the issue of Slavery. Though we were still a young nation attempting to continuing  to develop - expand our borders - maintain our status of an independent country - this conflict threatened to permenately separate/divide this great land.

The one constant in all this mess was President Abraham Lincoln. Though his election, to the highest office in the land, was the start of the Southern states succeeding from the union. He held fast to the notion that it was his duty and obligation to retain the Union as a whole. The Southern states were viewed as Rebels and were to be defeated and returned to the Union.

President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation truly angered the South as it did what they refused to do - Freed The Slaves - Otherwise the South was gaining greatly over the Union. Until the President finally found a General who had the moxy and ability to get things to turn around for the North and Ultimately Win the nation's war. It was the President's notion that now the war was over it was time to repair the country  and renew the progress that had been disrupted by Civil war. Hence it was President Lincoln's idea that there be no malice toward none.

Sadly, President Lincoln did not get to see his dream of a fully united nation, the breach healed and the nation continuing to grow and rise to a more powerful nation within the world of Politics. For on the night of Good Friday, April 14, 1865 while attending a play - Our American Cousin - at Ford's Theater the President was shot in the left rear side of his head and did the following morning, April 15, 1865.

The Nation went into mourning - it was also the first time that this country was with out it Leader.
After the Vice President had been sworn into office as the New Commander in Chief of the United States and the honors and tributes were made to the fallen Commander in Chief, the idea of Malice To None was swept aside as there were powerful officials that wanted the South to pay for its rebellion.

Sadly, this author wishes to state that, HAD the government officials continued onward with the Lincoln plan for after the war - Many, and I Mean MANY of the issues that have arisen since then might very well have been avoided in the mid-20th Century up to the 2nd decade of the 21st Century thus-far.

150 Years Ago - April 15, 1865 - America's Greatest Tragedy.

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Thought for Today: "If we were to wake up some morning and find that everyone was the same race, creed, and color, we would find some other causes for prejudice by noon." — George Aiken, U.S. Senator (1892-1984).