Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Too Little for Too Much....................

I for one have had enough of being short changed by eateries such as IHOP and the Fast Food Chains such as Burger King, McDonalds and Wendy's. These places have the gall to up their prices and then reduce the products that are offered.

IHOP - you used to get an order of pancakes that covered the inner part of a dinner place now you get dessert sized plates with pancakes that cover the inner part of the plate hence they went from 6-7 inch circumference size to 3-4 inch sized cakes and they do not even fill the Coffee Kraft - you'll  be lucky to get 2 1/2 cups of their awful brew.

Regarding the Fast Food Burger joints - They should be sued for False Advertising - the pictures that they use to promote their product is NOTHING like what you actually receive. You can not even see the burger unless you lift the top of the bun off. The burger is now child size - lost within the bun.

I for one have decided that it is more practical to go to a restaurant/diner and pay the higher price for an actual burger that is better and tastier and let's not forget hotter than the SHIT these fast food joints push.

It is time to boycott these places and force them to give the public it's dollar's worth and cease paying their CEO's these exuberant pays and bonuses for doing nothing but pushing papers.

Don't get me wrong capitalism is good but there are limits to the greediness of this enterprise. And that greediness is destroying the core of the American dream. A nation that was based on a three class structure has now reduced the classes to two - Rich vs. Poor. And let's not forget that our government is no longer a For the People by the People structure as it is now dominated by special interests and who can get the most for the least. Congress no longer has the interests of the population at heart as it does its own agenda of hate and division.  WAKE UP People before it is too late.

My rant here is not drawn out with great details but straight to the point as I feel it, so pardon the curtness but my point is clear - Enough is Enough!

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