Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Religious Matters

Those close to myself know that I do not adhere to any organized Religious Sect. That time has long come to pass. When my blinded vision regained true sight I was shocked, amazed and a bit tee'd off. When I came to realize that many of the things I learned or head of were but fabrications, twisted about to serve the organization's private needs - My foundation for religious beliefs collapsed.

Though I do not discuss my personal standing in regards to Religion, I do have a Spiritual Side. Just have not committed to any 1 thing. As this writing really is not abut my beliefs all that will be said for now is that I have adopted various portents from various religions that in short serve  my needs.
My spiritual being steps away from the standard concepts of organized religion.

This writing regards the derogation of Religion.

Everyone is free to accept and or believe that which religion in all forms teaches and holds true, to them that is. I do not approve and greatly frown upon the use of religious Idols, Theory, and Beliefs to be the butt of Comics, Drawings or Jokes. IT IS IGNORANT. There are far to many other things to make a pun of. There is a reason that Religion is not a barroom topic as are Politics and Love.

Personally, I am not amused by these things, they only serve to make me think less highly of the creator of such trash.

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