Tuesday, November 11, 2014

ELECTION REACTION...........a bit late, but none the same


YOU'VE GOT TO STAMD FOR SOMETHING IF YOU WANT TO WIN!                                               
Get the hands of Big Interests out of your damn pockets and
start standing for the people on the major issues. Do your damn job.

The time has arrived that big change is needed in regards to the Government of The United States. Looking back at how the Congressional Body has made a travesty of a Government by the people, for the people. Instead these representatives who make up the two houses of Congress, have chosen to sell their souls for the sake of gratuitous  Business n Interests Groups and their interests and forsaking the will of the people. It is High Time to now limit the terms of office for the Congressional Body. If the President is limited on the number of terms he can serve then so can the Congress. This would definitely bring fresh blood, new ideas in regards to handling the cares and concerns of the People. There is also the need to reduce the benefits that these people get. Remember this governing body is composed of persons that are no better or worse than the average American. Let them have HMO Insurances, and as their terms are limited there would be no need for a "lifetime" pension.

The people that are chosen to serve in the government body as our representatives should be and must be People that understand the blight of the regular citizen of this country. Corporate Execs, Lawyers, Obnoxious rich men who have NO clue what the average person goes thru daily, etc. These persons only serve their own ends and push away the interests of the common person.

just sayin..............................